Gunhild Carling - Harlem Ghost Story

Harlem Ghost Story
Harlem Ghost Story

The new Halloween single "Harlem Ghost Story" from the Swedish jazz & swing lady no.1 Gunhild Carling is now out on HepTown Records!

Gunhild in New York
Gunhild in New York

About: Gunhild was in Harlem last year and played there around Halloween. Then this story was told as a joke that there was this crazy party, and it is said that some went wrong and they ended up on the dead masters club.
The song is about a legend that tells you to be careful on Halloween when you go out. Gunhild strayed away in Harlem and encountered both the Count Basie band and swinging dancing skeletons. The entire neighborhood is on the legs and inside a smoky club hears lovely jazz music and the piano one seems to see Duke Ellington and the most wonderful swing sung by Billie Holiday. Frankie Manning knocking on his shoulder and wants to invite up. The music plays all night and cats, rats and bats hunt around street corners. But when the morning sun's first rays hit the 142 street it's all gone.

Gunhild Carling & Swingadelic do "Sweet Georgia Brown" in Central Park, New York City from this summer 2014.
This video is from New York Central Park Frankie100 Celebration. Gunhild Carling gave a blast of a concert together with Svingadelic. The atmosphere was fantastic.

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