Berlin based filmmaker Joerg Steineck needs your support to release his 10-years-in-the-works film Lo Sound Desert,
an epic 115 minutes documentary about the Californian Punk Rock / Desert Rock scene. The are running a funding campaign (only 17 more days to go…) to pay the music rights and release the film
What was basically started in the early 80s by revolting punk rock kids in the middle of the Californian desert, hidden from narrow-minded authorities of suburban communities, gave birth to bands
like Kyuss and Queens Of The Stone Age.
With its unique artistic approach Lo Sound Desert provides a deep, intimate insight into the low desert music scene’s history and the punk rock vibe of the 80’s and 90’s. The film is narrated by
the main protagonists - the musicians:
Mario Lalli, Alfredo Hernandez, Scott Reeder, Josh Homme, Brant Bjork, Nick Oliveri, Sean Wheeler and many more from bands like Kyuss, Queens Of The Stone Age, Yawning Man, Fatso Jetson, Mondo
Generator, Dali’s Llama, Hornss, Slo Burn, Unida, Fu Manchu etc.
From endless jams in unconditioned rehearsal garages to wasteland venues to smoked-up European backstage rooms:
‘Desert Rock’, a specific vibe of pure analog rock music, was fostered by the beauty of a surrounding that naturally provides a lot of space.
Until nowadays it continued its slow-moving underground spread and became international treasure.
In a way Desert Rock never reached extreme popularity like simultaneously grown, commercially hyped Grunge Rock in the early 90’s. But it still seems to be around and inspires new generations of
rock bands to carry on.