Executioner’s Mask has arrived at the darkest of times with its most haunting offering yet— the 11-song collection titled Despair Anthems, due out July 10th on Profound Lore. Today, the band has uncovered the album’s third and most personal single yet: “Hatred of Self.” The swirling, shadowy single showcases the sonic depth found about Despair Anthems.
Offering a modern take on the classic blueprints set by Pornography-era The Cure, The Sisters Of Mercy and Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Executioner’s Mask is the darkwave brainchild of three unlikely
suspects: Jay Gambit of noise metal unit Crowhurst on vocals, Ryan Wilson from Intestinal Disgorge on synth and drum programming, and LACE and Cop Warmth’s Craig Mickle also on guitar. The
trio added Samus Clintonov to their live lineup on drum duties in addition to Joshua Bosarge on bass and Jim Reed on second guitar. With Gambit’s deep, velvety vocals front and center, the
driving rhythm section provides the perfect backdrop for the moody and melancholic guitars.
Executioner’s Mask’s released their demo ‘True Blue’ in 2018, which was cripplingly dark and solemn while weaving infectious hooks at every turn. Shortly after its release, Executioner’s Mask
re-imagined and re-recorded those tracks, and completed 7 new songs that would round out their Profound Lore debut. Featuring production from Jeff Zeigler (Kurt Vile, Nothing) and Ryan Schwabe
(Big Thief, Algernon Caldweller), Despair Anthems sounds both icy and cavernous, and remains raw, desperate and satisfying throughout.