In a world of punk rock bands repeating the same old cliches, THE BROKENDOLLS dare to be different. Their new album "SNAKECHARMER" is here to testify to that. Mixing heavy riffs, hardcore vocals and catchy hooks, with an attitude, this album is a frantic 26 minute music rollercoaster.

Fueled by their new drummer’s thunderous beats, “SNAKECHARMER” is a huge step forward from their previous releases. "We deeply love the Scandinavian punk rock / action rock scene of the late 90s,” says vocalist David Lee Ross, “but we wanted to mix it with our personal influences that range from rock and roll to classic metal. We’re obviously not reinventing the wheel here, but I think we sound, for better or worse, like no other band in the scene.”The album was written just before the pandemic hit, and recorded during that infamous long period of social distancing that followed. So while the core of the tracks were already written, a lot of new ideas and arrangements were put on the table during lockdown via email between Casey and Nino. An unusual, but productive way to arrange songs that the band has definite plans to re-visit in the future. Unlike real life snake charmers, this album wasn’t created to appeal to people with a taste for predictable rock n’ roll. “We wanted to write about things we really live and feel. There’s no room for hot girls, American cars or dancing with the devil in our lyrics. I decided to speak about my personal experiences and the things we love.”