Heute erscheint das BLEAKNESS Video zu "Dancing with Darkness", ein Vorbote für das neue Album "Life At A Standstill" (VÖ: 17.06. - Sabotage/Destructure).
Dancing With Darkness is the first extract from Life At A Standstill, Bleakness new full lenght to be released in June 2022. The song shows the band capacity to evolve and experiment new musical
landscapes. Some may say it's more post-punk, dark-punk or death-rock... The trio has a great ability to renew itself while keeping its identity, it's definitely raging and melancholic in the
same spirit as previous Bleakness recordings.
The video of this first extract features live footages from the late 2019 tour with greek post-punk heroes Chain Cult, they were taken by Dino Pavlidis of Chain Cult. The video is dark and
energetic, these two words are perfect to describe the mood of this new album. Life At A Standstill is to be released in June 2022 on vinyl by Destructure (France) and Sabotage (Germany). In the
United States by à La Carte and FDL. CD version by Bat Cave Production (Poland).
30.04. Frankfurt - Dreikönigskeller FFM
02.05. Hamburg - Hafenklang
03.05. Berlin - Koma F
06.05. Leipzig - Liwi
07.05. Wuppertal - AZ Wuppertal