Labasheeda are an art-punk band from Amsterdam based around singer/guitarist/violin player Saskia van der Giessen and guitarist Arne Wolfswinkel. A driven act whose sound blends poppy melodies with bursts of distorted violin, melancholic vocals and wire wool guitar dissonance juxtaposed with intense drumming.
False Flag is a song from the album Status Seeking:
Here you can watch to the new video. Tour dates below. In October they have more shows in Germany.
10.05. Kassel - Sanderhaus
11.05. CZ Prag - Kastan
12.05. CZ Ostrava - Dock
13.05. CZ Roznov Pod Radhostem - Vratnice
14.05. CZ Vernerovice- Soulkostel
15.05. CZ Klatovy - Falcon Club
16.05. Live record session @ Fuzzyroomrecordings -Auerbach