Formed in 2017, The Bloody Hell has gotten dirtier and more polished at the same time, with the band infecting fans with their pop-cultural hooks and concepts, while the guitars keep getting louder and the vocals becoming uglier. The Bloody Hell is pretty much what would happen if George Thorogood sang for the Misfits, but all the songs were written by Tom Petty.
Super catchy horror rock songs about drinking and heartache are played at punk rock speed with a lineup that features vocalist/guitarist Ian Kean (guitar, vocals), guitarist and pianist James
Densley also known from Bubbles and The Shit Rockers, the band fronted by the character Bubbles from the hit TV show The Trailer Park Boys, drummer Kyle Cantfell (Elektric Mistress), and bassist
Joe Woods (Root Cellar).
Fast forward now to 2022, and these Canadian punk rockers from Halifax, Nova Scotia return in 2022 to finally release their long-awaited follow-up to their 2018 debut self-titled album. Entitled
"Nobody Cares", the sophomore full-length is out now as of November 10th. Over the last two years during the Covid pandemic, the band shared two singles and music videos, "Nobody Cares About
America Anymore" and "When You're Gone" off the record to a great reception from fans.
"The album took about 3 years to complete due to Covid restrictions, lockdown, and all the madness that was the pandemic. With this album, we feel our sound has evolved nicely from the previous
record released in 2018. We have worked hard to shape our songwriting and storytelling abilities and that is thoroughly displayed over the nine tracks on this album. We are hoping that fans who
loved our first album will be super excited to hear this one to see how our songwriting has progressed. And we hope that people hearing us for the first time will find something in our sound to
relate to or sing along with." adds vocalist/guitarist Ian Kean.
"Nobody Cares" features The Bloody Hell's signature sound of raspy aggressive, catchy horror, and politically charged antics over nine tracks that clock in at just over 28 minutes. From tracks
like "Hide Away" with its fast punky driving riff and slick earworm guitar lead to "Barbra" a cover of an old Canadian punk song by Vancouver legends Modernettes to even having saxophone on "G"
along with added piano on "As Above" and "So Below", punk fans will find it to be an energetic and passionate sonic experience that conveys stories from lived experiences that many can relate
"It's a true story and we mean every word, hook, and note on it. We give an emotional rollercoaster for your eyes and mind with twists and turns, ups and downs. Just as life is. All the lyrics
come from personal experiences whether it be a relationship failure or success, a wild story of substance abuse, or just an observation about world events. I write what I know and try to be
truthful in my lyrics." says Kean.
With a big emphasis on storytelling, so are the two music videos they released to support the album, which can be viewed below.
When You're Gone
Nobody Cares About America Anymore
Suitable for a variety of fans, The Bloody Hell cites influences ranging from Misfits, Nirvana, and Motorhead, anyone who enjoys a fun and dirty romp with a bull horn of grungy vocals.
Their new album "Nobody Cares" is available on all digital platforms and cassette as of November 10th, 2022 at https://linktr.ee/thebloodyhellhfx.