Punk band breaks new ground with ‘Saudade’
It’s finally happening: Dutch punk rock band Ink Bomb releases its second full-length album. With 'Saudade', which is Portuguese for 'longing' or ‘yearning’, the already melodic band walks down a
more melancholic route. But the Dutch band still keeps it raw.
The new album has been released on high-fidelity 45 rpm vinyl and is available at Ink Bomb shows, on inkbomb.nl and record stores in the region. The album can also be listened to digitally on YouTube, Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and other streaming services. Two labels support the band with this release: Horn & Hoof Records (EN), and Keep it a Secret (DE).
On the album, Ink Bomb partly exchanges skate punk for a more melancholic, melodic and emotional sound, without losing any of its raw intensity. The production of guitarist Quirijn Foeken's
'Fiction Studio' sounds fuller and more layered than ever.
The lyrics of singer Joost Hoedemaeckers are also a bit darker than on previous releases. The superficially cheerful-sounding skate punk opener 'Pressure Cooker' is about the ruination of the
world. Other topics include nuclear holocaust, murder, revolution, but also a light-hearted ode to his girlfriend, who helps him overcome all that ennui. Guitar player/back-up vocalist Quirijn
Foeken bares his soul more than before: on some songs he screams to the point of breaking his voice.
The hand-drawn album cover was created by Lynn Gommans, who was inspired by the rugged beauty of Portugal's Atlantic coast.
The band will celebrate the release of the record on April 19 in Nijmegen's squat bar De Onderbroek. Two other bands complete the party: Two Star Review and Mark of Chaos. Also noteworthy: Ink
Bomb will perform with punk legend No Fun At All in Willemeen, Arnhem, the Netherlands on May 9th, 2024.
19-04-2024: De Onderbroek, Nijmegen (NL)
09-05-2024: Willemeen, Arnhem (NL)
31-05-2024: Mezz, Breda (NL)
22-06-2024: to be announced (DK)
31-08-2024: Karo, Bremen (DE)
07-09-2024: to be announced (NL)
29-09-2024: Kid’s Rhythm ‘n’ Blues Kaffee, Antwerp (BE)
30-11-2024: Rockcafé, Sneek (NL)