After almost 3 years, DR. SKAP RECORDS are happy to announce, that they released the second step of the continent tape series: "Continent Tapes Vol. II (Asia)"
31 Bands from 31 Asian countries with 31 Songs
Some years ago, there was a big beer festival and after several different beers the idea was born, to release a compilation with bands from all over Europe.
One band, with one song from every country on the European continent. About an hour after this decision, we knew that we did not want to limit this to Europe...
In 2018 they released Vol. I (Europe). 43 Bands from 43 Countries with 43 Songs. (Check it here: https://www.skap-records.de/dsr009-continent-tapes-vol-i)
Now it's time for Part 2.
Bands from Armenia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, China, Laos, Jordanian, Japan, Nepal, Qatar, Maldives, Myanmar, Iran, India and many more...
Limited Edition (50!!) Double Tapes (C-50) with over 90 Minutes of Punkrock and Hardcore.
The compilation is also digital available. (https://www.skap-records.de/dsr014-continent-tapes-vol-ii)