With their new single "Kein Happy End" (translation “No happy ending; release date 14th of February, 2025), SICK OF SOCIETY open a new chapter in their band history. The developments of recent years have fundamentally changed their view of the world. The band, which has always stood up for social justice, anti-fascism and against the pathological excesses of capitalism, is now dedicated to the pressing challenges of the present - and focuses on a red-hot topic: artificial intelligence.
Was haben das Sprichwort „Aller guten Dinge sind drei!“, WHAM’s legendäre Weihnachtsschnulze „Last Christmas“ und Konsumkritik gemeinsam? Und was hat diese dämliche Frage überhaupt mit dem neuen SICK OF SOCIETY Video „Korrumpiert“ (VÖ: 25.11.2022) zu tun?